The other night at the Motley show, before the show started, my eyes were wandering... I looked up and there they were... I just had to snap a shot. ISO 8000, so it's grainy as all get-out, but whatever... still looks good on my desktop, so I figured it might look good on yours too... that is, of course, only if you haven't started cheering for the now-Phaneuf-less Flames. HAHA!

I finally got around to going through the show photos... got a few keepers I suppose. It was pretty difficult shooting from the sound board, and being limited to two songs didn't help much either... excuses excuses. Oh well... I got some decent tight crop stuff. Check Vue this week to see the pics...
I did get to shoot Airbourne from the pit, which was pretty cool. They're a great band from Australia. AC/DC on yr playlist? check these dudes out.
my favorite shot, blurry as it may be...

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