
Hey Look!

A new blog!

yeah, I've neglected the ol' blog lately, but I've actually been really busy shooting shows and editing stuff for Vue, as well as editing shoots that I've done for myself... This will be the action packed "sums it all up in one blog" post...

ok... where do I start...

As I mentioned in the last blog, I did a shoot with Shoutset Willie's sis Sarah, and her lil' dude Ethan.... here's probably the cutest photo I've ever taken...

Apparently there is no rule about going UP the slides at Kinsmen Park... :)

Also shot a bunch of bands over the last week or so... Passenger Action's last show with Pud, Molten Lava, and Dream Theater. For the first two shots were with the D700 and 50mm f/1.8, which is a pretty great combo I gotta say. The last shot was done with the 700 and my 80-200 f/2.8. It's quite nice being able to shoot shows using what ever settings I like... Auto-ISO? sure, why not. The shot of Portnoy is at ISO 360.

Ok, then there was the shoot that I did two Sundays ago... Samantha Valentine... no real explanation needed... I did this shoot with the D700, Sigma 24-60 f/2.8 (which, for some reason doesn't like focusing so much on the D700...) with an ABR800 ringflash, and two SB800's... Last shot was done without the ringflash, with one SB800 bouncing into an umbrella, and one bouncing off the ceiling. fun stuff! Oh... go check out Samantha's website too...


This is what happens...

... when you sell your pal a lens... apparently...

still works though! who knew the nikon fisheye lenses were built like tanks...

(these photos taken with my camera phone... obv.)

More stuff coming down the pipe soon... I managed to get a D700 on Saturday, and I've already put close to 2K shots through it. Capital City Burlesque on Saturday, Samantha Valentine on Sunday, and Sarah and her wonderful (and extremely energetic) son Ethan on Monday! It was a busy weekend to say the least... stay tuned.


Kings of Leon

Got to shoot Kings of Leon the other day... pretty good show I'd say. There will be more photos on or in Vue Weekly next week... you can also check out some more of my folk fest shots here , here , or here. Also, go check out Vue Weekly... there's good stuff there.

More lens flare...

Also, I said goodbye to a dear friend the other day... he will be missed dearly, and I can hardly believe that he's gone... All I can say is that he's gone for good reason, and that his replacement will be really awesome...

You'll be missed pal...

Coming soon... D700. :)


More Folk Fest, and Jeff&Andy got married!

Well, the title pretty much sums up my weekend... Was a busy one to say the least, but also an amazing time. Friday I got to see Neko for the first time, and it was all I expected it to be. As I said in the last post, overwhelming...

Here are a few more shots from Friday night at Folk Fest... First up the Wailers...

I know this one isn't sharp, but as if I'm not going to use it...

Neko Case..... gah!

Ok... so that was Friday... Saturday came around and I got to photograph a couple of really awesome people and great friends while they spent their day gettin all married and stuff... I was assisting my pal Leah so the pressure was somewhat off, and I got to chill and shoot. Fun! Photographically speaking, this was easily my best wedding to date. I fell in love all over again with my 80-200 f/2.8. What a fantastic lens. Sure it'd be nice to have the extra 10mm and VR of the 70-200, but whatever... these are pretty quick edits, but you get the idea... :)

holy bad ass!!

Jeff is also a fantastic shooter... it's always nerve racking shooting another photographer. Luckily Jeff made it easy on me... check his website.

It's amazing what you can find in the back alleys of downtown Edmonton...

Congratulations guys!! All the best....


just one...

It's way too late, and I'm shooting a wedding all day tomorrow, but here's one from the show tonight...

overwhelmed. so good.


More Folk Fest...

Well, tonight is the night I've been waiting for oh, about the last 5 years... I finally get to see Neko Case play. Very excited.

Here's a couple of shots from last night...

The legend (I suppose it's safe to say he's a legend...) Steve Earle :

For some reason, I'm really diggin the lens flare these days... I know it's not technically cool to have shots riddled with lens flare, but I think it looks cool, and this is my blog, so if you don't like it go somewhere else. HA!

Also shot Boz Scaggs, who I didn't really dig much... got some decent shots though:

Obv. ol' Boz wasn't hearing something right in his monitor mix, and made it pretty clear to his monitor tech... I've got a tip for ya man! Try wearing actual in-ear monitors and not freaking IPOD HEADPHONES! might work out well for ya.

Love catching moments like this... I think dude has a frim grip on the holy shit handles rather than on the keys of the Rhodes...

and a lil' more lens flare...

later skaters!


Ok... a few from folk fest...

Not sure if the Vue folks would want me to post these just yet, but here's a few from last night. It's really nice shooting with good light, I gotta say.

The first image is Meaghan Smith, who was pretty great. Had great drummer too...

Up next was Tracy Chapman, who didn't allow any photos... Well, boo-hoo for you. I did manage to snap this shot, of people watching Tracy on TV, even though she was playing live about 30 feet away...

Then closing the night was Sarah McLachlan... My good pals Luke and Melissa were backing her up, and it was sounding pretty great.

Don't eat the Korean food... Oh, and I should note that if you click on these photos, you'll get to see em bigger in a new window (or maybe in this window...)

Ok... here we go...

First post! I suppose this is where I'll write about what I'm shooting and maybe even a little bit about how I'm shooting it... It's been a busy week of photos, and I think it's only going to get busier.

for now, here's a couple from the recent Clutch show...

I've also been doing some pin-up style shoots lately, and I've got a few more of those on the horizon as well...

More photos coming soon... I'm shooting Folk Fest all week, so I'll probably post some of that after Vue has used em...

later skaters.