Been a while... not much to report in my neck o' the woods... Here's a few oldies, that I just got around to working on for Capital City Burlesque. This was the first shoot with the D700... I'm happy, although it needs to go into the shop I think. The shutter on it is extremely loud. I mean, it sounds really solid, but compared to another D700, it's about twice as loud. Not good. Oh well... these things happen I suppose.

I also shot another wedding with
Leah a few weeks ago... my first wedding with (of course, I mention it again...) the D700. I gotta say, it was really nice to blast away on Aperture priority, Auto-ISO, and let the camera do the heavy lifting for me. Not having to worry about noise is amazing. I actually took quite a few less shots than I normally do, but with (in my opinion) a lot more keepers. These are just quick Lightroom edits. Anyway... enough blather from me...
Congrats to Chelsea & Shawn!
You can see a shot almost exactly like this one over at
Jill Coursen's blog too... hey, I suppose great minds think alike! Or Jill is a copycat... haha!

I know this shot isn't all that great, (I mean, it's cute and all, but...) but I wanted to include it because of the couple in background. They were wandering by as were snapping photos, and then stopped to have a quick lil' makeout session on the sidewalk... haha! I suppose maybe they were inspired by the wedding or something... who knows, maybe I'll be shooting them sometime soon... awww. ain't that sweeeeet!

For some reason this shot bothers me... I know the composition is off (or at least I think it is) but I still like it...

This was shot at ISO 2800. Clean.

And here's a 100% crop just for funsies... no noise removal done. Like I said. Clean.
Damn, that IS clean. Nice.