Here's a couple of shots from last night...
The legend (I suppose it's safe to say he's a legend...) Steve Earle :

For some reason, I'm really diggin the lens flare these days... I know it's not technically cool to have shots riddled with lens flare, but I think it looks cool, and this is my blog, so if you don't like it go somewhere else. HA!
Also shot Boz Scaggs, who I didn't really dig much... got some decent shots though:

Obv. ol' Boz wasn't hearing something right in his monitor mix, and made it pretty clear to his monitor tech... I've got a tip for ya man! Try wearing actual in-ear monitors and not freaking IPOD HEADPHONES! might work out well for ya.
Love catching moments like this... I think dude has a frim grip on the holy shit handles rather than on the keys of the Rhodes...

and a lil' more lens flare...

later skaters!
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